How to Write an Art Blog With Strategic Content Marketing

Building a business online is tough. 😣

Perhaps, you’re frustrated that a few - if no one - is visiting your website.

You start looking into viable solutions, but the plethora of info found on the web is overwhelming.

You realize one thing though: having a personal art blog could be the answer to reaching a larger audience and creating new revenue streams. 

Doubts creep in again…

How do I get my art brand noticed? 

Is blogging good for artists and creative arts entrepreneurs like me?

How do I start an art blog?

All seem confusing and intimidating. 

But there’s a surefire way to overcome your struggle!

Content marketing is the most effective, fluff-free approach to writing an art blog that grows your business sustainably.

According to stats:

  • 54% of companies have a public-facing corporate blog for thought leadership, product promotion, and engagement. (UMass Dartmouth)

  • 80% of people claim to appreciate learning about a company through custom content. (Demand Metric)

  • 82% of marketers see a positive ROI (Return On Investment) from consistent blog content. (Hubspot)

The benefits of blogging are endless - from getting organic traffic through search engines to leveraging brand recognition, lead generation, and lasting connections with your dream audience.

In today’s post, you’ll explore six content marketing ways to master the art of writing a blog and finally get clarity on how to scale with content.

Let’s do it!

How to write an art blog with strategic content marketing

Why Use Content Marketing to Learn How to Write an Art Blog

Before asking yourself, “How do I write a good art blog?” Get clear on the purpose and importance of running an art blog.

Will you blog just for the sake of it or do you expect specific results from blogging?

Whether you aim to bring more traffic to your website, increase your exposure, or attract prospective customers, with content marketing you’ll achieve this and more!

Blogging is an essential component of a strong content marketing strategy because:

  • It’s the part of your site that you update more often with fresh, informative content to educate, inspire, and engage your readers. 

  • Through it, you nurture your brand’s audience, establish yourself as an authority in your area of expertise, and improve your search results on SERPs with SEO strategies.

  • It answers your audience’s questions and provides actionable steps to overcome their challenges.

  • On it, you share interesting art topics, ideas, insights, and stories highlighting your brand’s personality and work.

  • It helps boost awareness, credibility, conversions, and revenue.

In short, combining blogging with content marketing is the perfect combo to leverage your business

Think about it: website conversion rate is nearly 6x higher for content marketing adopters, and businesses that blog see 126% higher lead growth than those that don’t.

Isn’t it mind-blowing?

Knowing how to write an art blog with content marketing is a long-term investment that will improve your business and lead your target audience to bond with you through your blog's valuable, resonating content.

Six Content Marketing Tips to Write a Booming Art Blog

It’s time to learn how to write an art blog that hooks and delights your readers!

Ideating successful content for your niche isn’t an easy process - it takes time, effort, and a strategic mindset. 

That’s where the following six content marketing steps come in, showing you a clear path to creating art blog post ideas that enthrall and convert your audience into brand supporters - and potential, loyal customers!

Let’s begin!

  1. Brainstorm Topic Ideas

What should I post on my art blog? You may ask.

Well, the secret of excellent content creation isn’t writing from the get-go. 

It’s actually about planning your blogging activity with a good brainstorming session before you put pen to paper

This initial, thorough topic research will benefit the entire writing process, helping you develop viable art blog ideas that reflect your expertise and your audience’s desires. 

Here’s what to do:

  • Choose the topics to cover by asking yourself who you’re writing to, if the topic is relevant to your brand and readers, what knowledge you have of the topic, and what goal you aim to achieve with it.

  • Pick a topic that interests you, provides value to the audience, and enhances your presence.  

  • Think about what your prospects would love to read and ideally share with others based on their queries/needs/pain points.

  • Decide the unique angle and voice you’ll take on topics to stand out as a thought leader in your field and an authoritative source.

  • Look at your competitors’ blogs (what content format, visuals, tone, and writing style they use) to draw inspiration and gain better insight into what people enjoy interacting with.

  • Ask for your audience’s opinion and listen to their suggestions.

  • Explore online forums, social media chats, or groups to find trending topics and recurring debates in your industry. 

This action plan will outline the course of your blog’s future, helping you develop fruitful blogging habits.

The outcome?

You’ll know how to write an art blog that makes you a trusted expert and shows your true worth!

2. Understand Your Audience’s Search Intent

Fact: if you don’t know your audience, your blogging endeavors will fall flat.

To produce compelling content that matters to them, you must think about who they are, what their pain points look like, and how the solutions you offer will benefit them. 

Only with a deep understanding of their wants, do you ensure your blog posts consistently resonate with your readers and align with what they seek.

This way, you’ll offer better support, boost conversions, build quality connections, improve customer loyalty, and foster brand advocacy.

But there’s more!

Determining your audience's search intent (aka the terms and key phrases they look up on Google or any other browser) will impact how to write an art blog that satisfies people’s demands, pushing your brand website higher in the SERP.

With it, you’ll:

  • Pinpoint the most searched topics in your niche that’ll represent the core of your content creation. (Looking under “People also ask” and “People also search for” in the browser or using social listening tools like Answer the Public are helpful ways to navigate the user intent).

  • Clarify where your audience is in the buyer’s journey and tailor your content to each stage (awareness, consideration, and decision).

  • Drive more relevant and qualified traffic to your website and blog, getting users to stay longer on your pages and engage with your content.

  • Maximize your visibility, influence, and reach.

The four types of search intent. (Semrush)

The benefits you get from it make the audience’s search intent a crucial step of your content strategy and the lynchpin of powerful blogging!

3. Do Keyword Research

Keyword research is a significant part of how to write an art blog - especially when your goal is to reach a wider audience, expand your digital presence, and have your content rank high on search engines.

It’s a fundamental skill that takes time, knowledge, and dedication. But with the right approach, it sets your blogging strategy on fire!

I won’t stress this enough: to create high-converting content you need to fully understand your audience’s needs (guessing games won’t take you anywhere!).

That’s where identifying the user intent comes in handy, along with deep keyword research on the terms, phrases, and queries searched by your audience online - you’ll have the perfect topics to write your blog posts about this way!

Remember to:

  • Map your keyword goals like increasing website traffic, newsletter subscriptions, freebie downloads, or sales

  • Base each content piece on a focus keyword related to a specific audience’s question or pain point.

  • Choose relevant, long-tail keywords (with three words or more) as they’re easier to rank for, have lower competition, and are more specific.

  • Include keywords naturally in your content as you’re writing for your audience first and not merely for higher rankings.

  • Use strategic tools like SEMrush or KWFinder to test out a keyword ranking, monthly search volume (long-tail keywords typically have lower monthly searches, but they’re still valuable for your content), difficulty score (less than 40 is better for more chances to rank), secondary keywords (to include in your content as variations of your focus keyword), cost-per-click, or the competition.

  • Create a keyword report to gather all your data and note down blog topics around your chosen keywords.

Someone searching for long-tail keywords in your industry is typically further along in the buyer’s journey and wants super-specific answers. The sweet spot is where you position yourself - with your content - as their go-to solution. (Content Hacker

From this research, you’ll pull out the blueprint of your blog content and the system to build your art brand authority online!

Download the Blog Business Plan Template!

4. Write Your Content Writing Outline

After determining the topic of your blog posts, it’s time to create a content outline.

This will dramatically ease your writing process: from organizing the research info about your chosen topic to structuring the main sections of your content piece (what to cover, in what order, and what details to include), you’ll set a solid blog post layout

Make sure to: 

  • Note the main points you’ll hit in the post (what you already know, additional info, examples, data to prove your ideas, and external sources to mention in the text).

  • List the focus keyword and related synonymous (or secondary) keywords you’ll build your post around.

  • Write an attractive working title (take inspiration from the top results you find about your chosen focus keyword to get an idea of what title type fits best with your blog topic).

  • Create headers and subheaders to break up the content into paragraphs.

  • Draft a can’t-look-away intro or “hook” to grab readers’ attention and keep them reading (raise curiosity with direct questions, statistics, false myths, or fun facts).

  • Describe the purpose of your post and how it’ll help readers overcome a struggle they’re experiencing (you’ll elaborate on this further in the body text of the blog).

  • Plan an action-driven conclusion with takeaways and an appealing call to action promoting the solution (aka your services or products) to the problem you’ve addressed in your piece.

Example of a blog outline. (Hubspot)

See the potential?

The outline will be your guide on how to write an art blog of quality that compels your target audience and gets them to come back for more. 

Once the overall post structure is complete, it’s time to craft your content!

5. Include SEO Best Practices

Keywords are only one of the SEO strategies to use when writing an art blog.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is a category of proven tactics (no ads needed!) that helps your website’s visibility grow by positioning it high in the search results.

53.3% of all web traffic comes from organic search, so why not make the most of optimized content to let people find your blog when searching for specific queries?

To make your posts SEO-focused:

  • Pick an impactful blog title and add in your focus keyword (as the first thing popping up in the SERP, the title will influence users’ decision to read your piece or not).

  • Hone in on readability, avoiding walls of text and organizing your content neatly with small paragraphs, bulleted lists, clear headers, plain language (no jargon!), and attractive visuals.

  • Publish in-depth, long-form content (between 1,760-2,400 words) - it performs better and is ideal for backlink acquisition

  • Use internal links to other blog posts of yours and external links to verified sources.

  • Ensure links open up in a new tab to prevent readers from leaving your page too soon.

  • Add your focus keyword into your headers and subheaders, but make sure it’s not forced.

  • Write alt text for your images to better direct users’ searches to your post.

  • Include a meta title and meta description (with the focus keyword embedded in both) to give searchers a summary (ideally between 150-160 characters) of what to expect from your post before clicking into it.

  • Keep your URL neat and short, with your keyword placed into it.

  • Make your post - and entire blog - responsive and mobile-friendly.

List of on-page SEO factors that have a direct or indirect influence on the success of your website. (Mangools)

But above all, value matters the most - the relevancy and marketing success of your art brand depends on the practical, comprehensive information you offer with your content!

This means:

  • Using keywords strategically and naturally (keyword density will negatively impact your content!).

  • Tracking your blog performance with analytics tools for content maintenance and optimization.

  • Publishing blogs regularly (at least once a week!).

Your SEO efforts will eventually pay off, ensuring the best experience for the readers!

6. Use CTAs And Lead Magnets

The final step in learning how to write an art blog, that drives conversions, is the clever use of calls to action (CTAs) and lead magnets inside your posts.

A strong, catchy CTA, located at the end of your blog and within the body text, encourages the audience to take action, moving them forward in the conversion path.

Whether you ask them to subscribe to your newsletter, book a call with you, get a free discount, or simply leave a comment, you make specific requests that create a sense of urgency.

CTA art blog example. (The Field Museum Blog)

The trick is to offer something extremely relevant and helpful to your readers.

And the best way is by sharing a lead magnet (or freebie) related to your blog topic.

It’s typically a “snackable” free guide, ebook, checklist, worksheet, or even audio shared through a specific CTA in exchange for someone’s contact information like name and email address.

With this powerful tool, you’ll:

  • Pique your audience’s attention and interest.

  • Grow your email list of prospects.

  • Build trust and positive relationships.

  • Promote your services/products.

  • Grow your brand reputation and income.

Lead magnet example. (Marie Forleo’s Blog)

Inject 2-3 CTAs - and related lead magnet - where it makes sense in your long-form post (the last thing you want is to be spammy or too pushy!) and let readers know about your solutions for them.

The whole point of creating high-quality content is to help and fulfill who you serve - do this consistently, and the sales and conversions will follow!

How to Write an Art Blog Will Be a No-Brainer With These Six Proven Strategies

I know: how to write an art blog leading to real profits seems like a challenging game.

But the content marketing steps listed above prove two concepts:

  • To get growth from your content, you must focus on a targeted and sustainable blogging strategy backed up by real skills, like audience and keyword research, online copywriting, and other best SEO practices.

  • If you educate, inspire, and entertain your audience with memorable posts tailored to their desires, the long-awaited brand recognition, web traffic, and conversion of qualified leads will eventually occur.

By putting all this into practice, you’ll be ahead of the curve in your business growth.

Trust the process and keep going! 😉


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